5 Reasons You Should Try Skill Games

5 Reasons You Should Try Skill Games

A growing segment of online casino games is skill games. These casino games have a skill level that gives a player a chance to improve their odds of winning through skill. If you have never played skill games before, now may be the time to start. Today, we will go over 5 reasons you should try skill games.

You Can Significantly Improve Your Odds Over Pokies

If you’re only playing online pokies, then skill games may be a way to significantly improve your odds. With skill games, you are using your skill to try and win at the game. Online pokies are completely random games that are reliant on a random number generator. Your choices have no impact on the outcome.

Space Hunter - Shoot For Cash Ships Destroyed

That’s not the case with skill games. Your choices can greatly impact your wins and losses. Depending on the game and your level of skill, you may be able to drastically reduce the odds of the game. For example, if a base game has a base RTP of 95%, you may be able to up that RTP to 98% or more. While a 3% improvement may not seem like much, that can add up over time.

Some Skill Games Offer More Play for Your Money

If you play a hand of blackjack or take a spin at online pokies, how long does your game last? If you’re lucky, you may get 5 to 10 seconds worth of play. You’re basically committing repetitive robotic actions and looking to get in as many hands per hour as you can.

With some skillful games, you can get a lot more play for your money. Games like Casino Solitaire and Minesweeper can take several minutes to play. You can get a lot more play for $5 or $10 with skill games than you can with online pokies or standard table games.

Prizes Can Increase Based on Your Skill

For many online casino games and online pokies, the amount you win on each spin or each hand is fixed. It is impossible to change without the assistance of side bets or bonus games. For skillful games, you have the chance to increase how much you win per hand based on your skill.

Skill Game Winner

For example, let’s assume you’re playing a shooting skill game that has targets ranging from .50 to $5. If you are able to hit the $5 targets, you will win a lot more money than just going for the easier .50 targets. The more skillful you play, the more likely you can increase your prizes during the game.

You Can Reduce Your Losses Per Session

It is impossible to completely eliminate the house edge with casino games. However, skillful games give you a great chance to greatly reduce the house edge. Ultimately, this means you will lose less money over the long term compared to the average online casino player.

For example, the average online pokie is between 95% to 96% RTP. That is an average loss of $4 to $5 per $100 wagered. If you are able to up your RTP to 98% in a skill game, you’re reducing that loss to $2 per $100 wagered. Over time, this results in some significant savings.

Skill Games Are More Interactive and Engrossing

Ultimately, skillful games are much more fun to play because they are much more interactive. Rather than just robotically playing a game, you are engrossed in the game. It is more like a video game or arcade game rather than a random online casino game.

Skill games involve players in the action much more than other casino games, and are generally more fun to play. Of course, it is always more fun when you win, and playing skill games gives you an increased chance of winning.

Henry Walker

Henry Walker

Joining Australia Internet Pokies in 2017, Henry provides insights into the world of casinos and dives deep into each online casino to provide reliable reviews you can trust.

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