What Are Crash Games at Bitcoin Online Casinos

What Are Crash Games at Bitcoin Online Casinos

A popular online casino game that you will see at Bitcoin online casinos is crash games. These games come in different variants, but they all have a similar theme. Today, we will take a look at crash games, how they work, and how you can play these games to win.

What are Crash Games?

Crash games are online casino games that have some form of a crash element. For example, you are playing a rocket crash game where you’re anticipating when the rocket will crash. The game begins with the rocket taking off and continues until the rocket crashes.

During the rise period of the game, a multiplier increases. Multipliers start at 1.0 and go up in increments of .1. These rises start a bit slow and then speed up as the rocket or other element goes up.

Thunder Crash Crash

At any point in the rise, players can opt to cash out of the game. For example, if you jump out at a 2.1x multiplier, you will be paid 2.1x your bet. However, if you do not cash out before the crash, you lose all of your earnings.

The trick of the game is timing when the crash will occur, and it can happen at any point. For example, you may get a round where the multiplier reaches 100, or it may crash as soon as it launches. Let’s take a look at some of the strategies employed by crash game players.

Strategies for Crash Games

There are various different strategies employed by crash game players. Some players are only concerned with the top payouts and will only cash out when they hit a multiplier of 20x, 50x, or more. Of course, this type of strategy has the most volatility and will often result in a busted bankroll.

Then you have other players that like to make micro hits. They play a lot of rounds where they cash out at 1.1 to a max of 1.5. This strategy will produce a lot of winners, but it is also a strategy that requires a lot of grinding.

Thunder Crash Cash Out

Some players employ a mixed strategy where they mix up the multipliers they cash out at. These players tend to watch patterns and bet accordingly. For example, if you have had 10 straight crashes of under 2.0, you may opt to play for a higher multiplier. Adversely, if a massive multiplier just hit, they may play low multipliers for a while.

You have a couple of options for playing multipliers. First, you can try to cash out manually, and while this gives you some control, it is not perfect. Other players opt to do an automated method where they pre-program the game or a bot to select the point to cash out.

Crash Games a Great Option for All Gamblers

Gamblers have a mixed opinion of crash games. Some love them because you can hit bit wins and the games can be exciting. Other people don’t find the games that exciting because it is very repetitive in nature.

However, crash games are a great choice for most gamblers because it allows for a variety of strategies. Conservative players can grind their way to a profit while gamblers that don’t mind variance can luck their way into some big wins.

Crash games are also great because they allow for players of all stakes to play. You generally can play for as little as .10 per bet or as high as $10 per bet. Most games have a high RTP, some as high as 99% and most are Provably Fair.

You can find crash games at most Bitcoin online casinos. They are among the easiest online casino games to play and give you a fantastic chance to turn a profit.

Henry Walker

Henry Walker

Joining Australia Internet Pokies in 2017, Henry provides insights into the world of casinos and dives deep into each online casino to provide reliable reviews you can trust.

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